Wednesday, 29 August 2012

A New Make-Up Experience: CosmeticsINC Boutique and Website

As you guys already know, there is nothing I love more than discovering a new brand, so you can imagine 
how excited I was to find a new make-up boutique in my hometown of Peterborough. Being a huge supporter of new brands and new businesses within my hometown, I got in touch with the owners and creators of this new brand, to bring you a little more information about this exciting new boutique.

The boutique, CosmeticsINC is located at 41 Bridge Street in Peterborough City Centre, and is a beautiful display of all things girly, complete with a pink floor! Now obviously, not all of my readers reside in Peterborough, but all over the country, so you can check out the website here.

First let me tell you a little about the owners, Gary and David. Gary has been working in the beauty industry for nearly a decade, starting out at his local Boots No.7 counter as a consultant, and then becoming a make-up artist. Gary has worked freelance at all types of events, fashion shows, on film sets and photo shoots. On top of his own freelance work, Gary has also worked with all the major top brands, the most recent being Christian Dior. David has also had a lot of experience in the make-up industry, starting out in Theatres as young as 6 years old. He has an amazing creative streak, with plenty of ideas! Together Gary and David have created a brand, that takes David’s artistic streak and Gary’s technique to “create make-up that is effective and high performance as much as any high end brand, but is also as wearable as any high street brand.” Rest assured, these men know what they are doing.

Now let’s talk shop! The boutique as I mentioned earlier is a haven for make-up loving ladies (and guys). I am sure I have mentioned before, as have many other bloggers, that Make-up Counters are now becoming almost unapproachable. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel too uncomfortable to go browse, therefore not making purchases that I may have made. Gary and David have picked up on this and have made sure that their boutique is “as quirky as it is beautiful”. I visited the boutique twice before getting in touch with the guys, and I can assure you, you will be able to browse at your leisure, and not be bombarded with sales tactics for products you don’t want or need.  However, if you are someone that prefers a little help, the guys will be more than happy to guide you around the store and help you apply products that they know will work well for you. In their own words, “Making people feel happy and to have fun is our primary aim”.

I wanted to chat a little bit about the website, as I already mentioned, a lot of people reading this, will be living far away from Peterborough, but you should still go and check out the website and see the gorgeous products the guys have to offer. Whether you are looking for mineral eye shadows, primers, or nail varnishes CosmeticsINC have it covered for you. Another product that I have already seen in the store, and definitely plan on purchasing are some of the brushes, the quality is beautiful and they are reasonably priced.

The website...

I really hope that you will go and check out CosmeticsINC boutique/website. Let me know what you think? Have you bought any of the products yet?

This isn’t the last you have heard from me talking about CosmeticsINC either, as soon as I have purchased some of the products, I will of course come back to you with a full review, but I can already tell, you won’t be disappointed. Happy shopping.... xx


Tuesday, 28 August 2012

7 Things.... How I got on this month...

So it is about that time of the month, where I let you guy's know how I got on with my 7 Things. I have really enjoyed taking part in the 7 Things post invented by none other than Louise Sprinkle of Glitter... go and check out her blog here.

1. Sleep! This is top of my list as I have extremely bad trouble sleeping. I think my worst example in recent weeks was still being awake when Brett got up for work. Bad times. I have medication from the doctor, but it isn't helping any more. So I need to change it maybe, but also I want to find other things that can help. Ie, mobile phone banned from bedroom, no TV an hour before bed, reading, a mattress topper and some fluffy pillows, anything that gives me a slim chance of sleeping! If anyone out there has any advice or ideas, please let me know as I am going out of my mind!

Me and pals!! (Emma and Becca) At Karaoke Peterborough

Well I have not done too bad at this. I didn't get around to getting mattress topper and pillows, but I did go back to England for a staggering three weeks, and was so tired from all the visiting people I slept very well. I was also staying with my very good friend Emma, and we spent most evenings chatting until we felt sleepy. Now I am back at home, I have quite a lot on what with starting college, and I am also quite vigorously looking for a part time job. So all in all the sleeping is getting better. 

2. Getting Organized: The Kitchen Chapter. So I have done the wardrobe and now its the turn of the kitchen. I am pretty sorted in this room, but its not husband proof so I need to come up with a system that works for everyone. 
Well clearly the fact that I was away from home for 3 weeks (unexpectedly I might add, it was meant to be a week!) I haven't managed to achieve this. So the kitchen chapter of organising will be rolling over to next month. However, I would like to say that I have purchased tupperware to organise my freezer, so I have been thinking about this.

3. Lose Some Weight: I know I started this last month, but this is going to be ongoing. I think my plan is do the weekly updates like I did before, give me a bit of a push and reason not to fail. Any support with this is openly welcomed.
People, you need to help me with this. Despite feeling better, and in my opinion looking better, and all my friends/family telling me I've lost weight. The scales say otherwise. Infact, the scales say I have put on weight! How can this be?? There's only one thing for it: I'm going to Slimming World. More news on this in my new 7 Things.
4. Cherish The Memories: I have loads of photos on memories cards, on my pc and prints from years back. I want to get some matching albums, and try and make some order of it all. My Nana and Grandad have a really impressive photo collection, with every moment documented. I love nothing more than looking through them all with my Nana, and I want to be able to do the same with my future children and grand children.
Again, what with being away from home for three weeks, I have not succeeded here wither, and to be honest I think this is a bigger job than I anticipated. And probably more expensive. I'm going to think about this and get back to you.

Me and Emma ready for round two! x
5. Spend Quality Time with Brett: Since we moved to Glasgow, Brett works a lot and I have been ill a lot and we have fallen into a routine. I want us to start going out a bit more and enjoying each others company without the the mundane routine of everyday life. So I think we are going to go to some them parks and nice restaurants and just have some 'us' time.

Well, other than being at home for three weeks, we have done quite well. Brett also came to Peterborough for a weekend and we went to the seaside which was nice. We have also had some nice meals together and nice chats. So all in all doing a lot better at this one.

6. Swimming: I know I already have the 'Lose Weight' but I am making this seperate, as I alwasy think to myself 'I'll go swimming tomorrow' and then don't go. I really love swimming, and the pool is included at my gym, complete with sauna, jacuzzi and steam room. So I really want to go a couple of times a week.
Complete epic fail. Not been once. Whoops. I'm going to go today though...... maybe.

7. Plan a Holiday: Last but by no means least, I want to plan a trip[, it may not be until next year, but I want to know we are going to go and have a nice break away from work, college, the stresses of routine life and just have some fun, relax on a beach or whatever. We want to go somewhere, neither of us have been, so I will have to look far and wide.
We have started thinking about this, but still can't decide on a location. Also its been quite difficult to decide when, seeing as I now have college and Brett does not get paid for taking time off work. So we will have to see where we end up with this one. I fancy Cyprus myself, I know we have both been before. But we loved it oh so much.

So that's I did this month. It's about 50/50 no? I did good in some areas. To be honest having an unplanned trip to England kind of threw me off a little. But I had an amazing time. I spent plenty of time with my pals and went to my favourite ever Karaoke at O'Neill's 3 times!! I have already planned to go home again in October. Going to be immense! Look out for my new 7 Things which will be up in the next few days. Bye for now.... xx

Sunday, 5 August 2012

What I am Reading: 50 Shades Trilogy

Ok ok ok I know you will be thinking old news and shouting at the screen about 'about time!'. But I have to be honest, it was not the sort of book I would normally read, not because its erotic, but the romance thing never does grasp me that well. Anyway, eventually even my husband was telling me I should read it, so on the way to out Spa break I picked the first two books up at the service station.

They sat in my bag, then on the bedside table and then on the shelf for a couple of weeks. Despite every woman in the spa reading a copy. I finally got a round to giving it a go when I had a long train journey to go on. I did have to force myself through the first few chapters. But once the story line really got going I was enthralled. However, I do have to mention that I don't find the writing style that great. There is a lot of receptiveness, but the story is so romantic and exciting, I have seen past it.

So I started reading the first book, 50 Shades of Grey on Sunday evening on the train, and despite an extremely busy week, I am now on the last chapter on the second book, 50 Shades Darker. The second book is in my opinion, a lot less erotic that the first, and frankly a lot more exciting. The book has brought tears to my eyes, made me laugh out loud and jump out of skin! I have been desperate to get to the end. Now I am nearing the end, I can't wait to begin on the third. There is still no obvious end to this exhilarating love story in sight. I have the third book, Fifty Shades Freed ready to go. I will of course let you know when I have gotten to the end.

For those of you who don't know (and I have left it this long to mention, because I will be surprised if many people don't know), the book's are about a young lady called Ana, who through chance meets a very successful billionaire business man. This man, Christian Grey, begins to pursue Ana's affections much to her shock. What unfolds is an unexpected love story, with Ana trying to work out the intricate dark depths of Grey's personality. It really is a great 'page turner'.

Many of my friends have already read all three books, and those that haven't I am encouraging to read them (including male friends, who, ladies tell me if you agree, some would benefit greatly from this book?). So if 't you haven't yet read this book, seriously you are missing out. What with nearly all supermarkets and book retailers doing some form of offer on this read, you have no excuse but to give it a read.

What do you think about this book? Let me know below.... Laters ;)

p.s what do you think Christian Grey looks like?

The photo fit...

Try typing Christian Grey into Google Images, and see what comes up. These were my favourites :)