Thursday, 27 September 2012

Its been FAR too long....

Oh deary me..... It has been far too long since I have blogged. I can only apologise. I won't drag out this apology, as this would be fairly pathetic of me. Instead I will tell you what I have been up to in recent weeks that have kept me away from blogging...

Working hard....

So as you already know I started college in August, and since then I have concentrated on studying an awful lot. If you don't know already I am studying HND Beauty Therapy. It is a degree level qualification and it is pretty heavy going! I've been working hard to keep myself up to speed and on top of all my classes, and keep organised. I have a few assessments coming up and also a report to hand in and I am feeling good about these. I have also made some new pals, and did fit in some time for aa cocktail evening and a lunch! Now that I have settled into college, I should have more time to blog! However.... aw there's always a however....

.....things are not so brilliant health wise. If you have read my blog for any length of time you will know that I have had a bit of a rocky road with my health over the last year. The stomach pain that I have been getting since January is still present and unresolved, although this is controlled with medication and bearable. But a couple of weeks ago something else happened! I have started getting funny dizzy spells, that make me feel roasting hot, faint and sick. I never actually get to the point of passing out and they have been freaking me out a little to say the list. So yet again I have been having blood tests and doctors appointments, new medication etc etc. The doctor not thinks I have Labyrinthitis. This is an inner ear infection, that causes these dizzy spells. The doctor said it can last from 4 to 8 weeks :(

Yummy cocktails at Church on The Hill, Glasgow

I have actually had to take the day off from college today as I have been left feeling so drained and tired, so I am going to do my studying from home. I have plenty of revision to be getting on with and I'm hoping I can get my report finished. I have a couple of blog posts that I want to get up for you as well.... so we will see how I get on.

Anyway, I am sorry that this post has not been at all that interesting, but I always think it best when there has been a lack of blogging for a while to let you know what I have actually been doing, not just sitting around ignoring my duties! I will be back with a much more interesting post soon.... thanks loveables x