I've explained slightly at the top, but in brief I've decided to give myself a bit of a kick up the backside I will blog my weight loss progress!
I used to be a slim size 10 around the 11 stone mark. I always thought that was too big! But now I am a much rounder size 16 and I'm guessing around 14 stone :( pretty disgraceful! I haven't weighed myself yet (I'm going to grab myself some of those posh scales that give you your bmi etc). I've piled on the pounds since I met my husband (see pic of our second meeting! considerably slimmer!) and got a little bit too comfortable! My hubby on the other hand still looks his lean trimmed self plodding along to the gym two or three times a week, while I on the other hand stay at home snacking on chocolates and pringles. (See pic below of me looking not so thin... sitting down to another huge meal with my noticeably leaner husband and brother).

My plan is fairly simple, the diet starts on monday. The preparation has been great. Eating all the foods I won't be able to eat from monday, designing my plan, downloading all the just dance songs I want.
Because the twist is, I'm not doing this traditional, go to the gym eat carrots only diet, I'm going to eat what I like, as long as I don't go over my daily calorie allowance. And quite frankly I don't have time to go to the gym 4 times a week, so my husband has bought me a Nintendo Wii with a load of fat busting games. I'll check my weight once a week on a Sunday and use My Fitness Pal keep track of my munching. And then I'll log it all on my blog to either share my success or die of embarrassment at my failure.
Currently I have a horribly painful knee, but after a steroid injection and meds from the doctor, hopefully it will be fighting fit in time for my fat battle!
I have already created a list of meals I can have from my favourite take aways to eliminate that "I can't go in there" feeling which leads to "Well just this once won't hurt"... I'll post them later today...
Until the next time.... thanks for reading lovables xx
My Fitness Pal - Try It
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