So last week I decided to get involved in 7 Things created by Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter. You can see the post here. I thought I would update you guys, on how I am getting on.
So here are the seven things I listed, and how I am getting on with them...

So I have been trying to get this how I want this, but it is stressing me out a little! This is because I know what I want to do in there, but I can't do it yet, I want to get a dressing table that will fit in there, and then I want to get some acrylic boxes from muji to store my make-up in. But obviously that costs money, which I am trying not to spend at the moment! So this is still an ongoing task, but when its finished I will film it :)
2.) Get Active - Up until around 6 months ago, I was working hard at eating healthier and doing more exercise, but since my illness, I have not really done that much, and the pounds I lost have been creeping back on. So my plan is to workout at least 2-3 times a week and try and get more activity back into my life to try and lose those pounds again!
So I think I have done quite well here, I have been eating healthier than usual and I worked out 3 times, I went to the gym once, and went for a long walk another day, and I also did an aerobics DVD. I don't know if I have actually lost weight, I should probably check that out! But I do feel better in myself, that I am actually working towards a healthier me!
3.) Stick to my Diet - In line with the same as the above, I have been doing a bit of YoYo dieting which is never a good move, I really need to stick to the plan, which currently is Rosemary Conley's Inch Loss Plan. I am determined to stick to this, and I will of course report back the results.Like I said above I am doing ok at this. I have been following the diet, but I didn't follow it exactly over the weekend as we went to Nandos Gignics and there was a lot of free food and booze on offer! But I still think I did good!
4.) Get Reading - I used to be quite an avid reader! But other time, I have read less and less, especially with all my prised books being tucked away in storage at the moment. However, I have been taking books out of my local library but never actually get around to reading them. I have just taken out My Sisters Keeper, and I am determined to read this book!So I have started reading this book, and I have been mostly reading while travelling on the bus or train. So while I am reading, I really want to be able to read in my free time at home. So I am going to work on that this week, light some candles and just read.
5.) Blogging - This seems like a bit of a cop out, as clearly I already do this regularly, but what I mean is, I want to write more interesting posts and find my individuality within the world of blogging. Any suggestions? Let me know in the comments or drop me an email
I suppose I can't really judge this one, so please feel free to leave your comments about how you think I am doing here!
6.) Chill Out - Probably sounds almost selfish, but to be honest I just don't know how to 'chill'. I allow myself to get very stressed out and tired, which does not help my illness, and don't spend enough time taking time out for myself, so this week I want to take some quiet time, face masks, long baths, meditation and some trips to the Health Spa.
I'm not going to lie, I think I completely failed at this! I did chill out in the sense I had some 'bed' days but that was through having bad days from my illness. Me and Brett chilled on Sunday and did literally nothing, but I still need to get down to the health spa and have a jacuzzi and a sauna!
7.) Get financially sensibles! - Since I had to give up my job due to my illness, I have found it increasingly difficult to getting used to having no pennies of my own! My husband (God Bless Him) is fantastic at supporting us both and works very hard at doing so. However I need to learn that I can not just go on my little willy nilly shopping trips anymore, and need to start planning what to do with my 'allowance' as such! But I am sure you all know how difficult it is to resist the latest lipstick, the drawer of a new nail colour, and even worse I have a swish Mac store down the road! I haven't bought anything yet though so at least I am controlling that!
I have really made an effort at this, and although I am only a week in, I think I have done good. This week I have a bigger incentive, as we have a problem with Brett's car which is not going to be a quick fix, so we need to return to Peterborough to pick up mine. I am so excited about this, as once my car is here, I will be able to start having lessons, and going home means I can see my friends and most importantly my mum. So I am looking forward to that, and I will definitely be careful with pennies so we can have a fun time!
So far I think I have done ok, but I could put in a bit more effort, what do you think? Do you think I could do a better job? Let me know your thoughts.... xx
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